Saturday, August 23, 2008

Isn't it ironic...

I'm driving down a street. I see a billboard. I look at the billboard (corporate america would have it no other way). This time I see a different kind of advertisement. The billboard says:

Now, what I found ironic about this billboard is the internet address provided for us to visit in order to confront god's ominous message: I did in fact visit this website and it's just a very poorly developed attempt to start yet another christian business. Speaking of which, sometimes I wish I was a christian because jesus titty fucking christ those guys make a lot of money off of a children's story. Nonetheless, I'm letting myself get distracted. The irony is the fact that the address tells us to wake up. WAKE UP WORLD! When in actuality, it is the followers of religion who need to wake the fuck up. I want to start a billboard campaign for atheists that says shit like "For God so loved the world, he gave your grandmother cancer and the middle east genocide. ~ John 3:fuckteen" When does it end? It does not surprise me though that a town of this size I now live in has a billboard like this. This crumbling, dilapidated town is made of a few dumbass, wannabe gangsters and christians. I can almost not differentiate between the two.


Anonymous said...

I thought this was an interesting story until your last line. Ahem, there were three items you listed, not two, ya dumbass.

Skoolz said...

Looks like you're the dumbass. I only listed two! "Dumbass" was used as an adjective. LOLOL

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm sorry I must have gotten entangled with your retrogressive display and merely not noticed that dumbass was not plural. My mistake.
~The Dumbass

Skoolz said...

It's ok. I forgive you. =P