Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Religulous on DVD February 17th

I know what you're thinking. Shut up about that damn movie! Are you in love with Bill Maher? Etc. etc. All I can say is this is the most important movie to come along in...well, maybe forever. Just like we can say Richard Dawkin's "The God Delusion" is the most important book to come along in forever. They both include messages that would save humanity, but no one is ever willing to listen.

The thing that excites me most about the DVD release of Religulous on February 17th is that there will no doubt be a lot of 'in the closet' rationalists, who were too scared to be seen in the theater watching this movie, or that just didn't have the film available at a nearby theater, taking a peek at Bill Maher's scary, but important message.

Hopefully I will have the spare cash to pick up the DVD the day it arrives because, although I have seen the movie numerous times since the trip to the theater, I look forward to the extras that should undoubtedly be very interesting. They include:
  • Commentary with Bill Maher and Director Larry Charles
  • Bill Maher Monologues from around the World
  • Deleted Scenes (sweeeeet)
Please do yourself a favor and go rent this. Let me know what you thought. >;)

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