Wednesday, September 10, 2008



Anonymous said...

LMAO! okay bro, i think everyone finally gets it. Aaron fuckin despises religion. everyday i come check out to see whats new with you so that i can "cleanse my mind with dirty vulgar truth" but it gets pretty old when it's the same fuckin "vulgar truth" over and over. you're worse than those damn mormans man! yes, i compared you to them because what you do is not so different. you may as well start dressing gayer than you do and go door to door to talk about your beliefs. i mean, forgive me but i thought you were supposed to be some scholastic genius that has yet to be discovered by america. i thought that out of all my friends, you were supposed to be the one that had more writing creativity in your pinky than any one of us had. because seriously, that's what you make yourself out to be. Hi, I'm aaron and i read all kinds of useless shit on the internet and i've researched things that most people wouldn't know about unless i told them but fuck it, i'll just stick to writing about the one thing i do know and that's the fact that i can't stand the thought of religious beliefs. C'mon man. All the shit out there to free your mind with and you stick to this. It's kinda sad. I'm pretty sure the only solid piece of work you've had on this piece of shit page since you put it up was your analysis of the movies "Pineapple Express"/"Step Brothers" and your B-day QQ blog. Other than that, there's not much to your page. I was almost certain that you'd be the 1st to share your views over the scientists attempt to recreate the "big bang" theory but no...instead i get a fuckin kindergarten drawing illustration of your never-ending frustration with God. Gimme something new to read you dumb bastard!!

i'll pray that you find peace with God

Anonymous said...

well.....where's the new shit! i'm still waiting gah dammit

Anonymous said...

Yay, Smee! I love yeh because I too feel the exact same way. I'm not going to repeat any of it, because Smee said it all. So I'll simply toast to that!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Religion is tiresome and unfortunately you can't escape its propoganda. It gets old and annoying to hear it. It's even more annoying when you have someone shoving their beliefs down your throat. If you like Religion, fine. If you don't like Religion, that's fine too. I think the basis for his blogs like this are inspired by the fact that Religion is all around and the ignorance it brings is exhausting. It's not like he's placing pamphlets under people's windshield wipers and asking for donations for the Atheist's Fund. Shit like that, is too excessive. Liberate your mind and fuck Religion! Lol, okay I'm done now.

Anonymous said...

btw I love you, Aaron

Anonymous said...

Smee, I'm glad someone finally spoke up. Good for you!

Skoolz said...

I don't go door to door. You're the idiots who keep coming back. DON'T RETURN IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU READ. You're really smart btw.

Skoolz said...

"you may as well start dressing gayer than you do"

Really? Gayer than I do? Like wearing a fucking dress for a shirt? I guess i could start doing that.

Anonymous said...

Aww, po widdle Aawon is upset cuz Big Bad Smee pooped in his ceweal. You should tell whoever the hell is butt fucking you down there in Big Springs to STAP IT cuz it’s making you emotional. Seeing as how this is the most we ever hear from you these days I’ll continue this retarded exchange of web words.

1. Comparing you to Mormons doesn’t imply that you go door to door. At least that wasn’t the way I intended it to be taken. So yes, I’ll bow down and admit that I wasn’t specific enough and that I have a poor choice of words. The comparison was that, like Mormans that go from door to door, you’re world seems to revolve around religious beliefs. Well, in your case, you’re hatred of religious beliefs. I was stating the facts! I wasn’t trying to get your panties in a bunch. I wasn’t trying to be a “hero” and say what everyone wanted to hear. I said what I said cuz it’s what I felt. Well what do you know? It becomes you’re post with the most replies cuz let’s face it, scrolling down you’re page we come across quite a few showing 0 comments. People say good job Smee and for what I still don’t know. Then, in an attempt to defend you, your other half posts her piece of mind. It was right on the money. No argument. Religion IS without a doubt shoved down our throats. Ex: I was in Abilene 2 week ends ago and I was telling Melissa the same thing. Every street we drove down had at least 3 churches spread out down the block. I should’ve called you and added fuel to your fire but I figured why bother, you have a hard enough time not bringing it up as it is.
2. I make the choice to return to your little blog spot day after day in hopes that there’s going to be something there to tickle my fancy. Something that was so fucking funny it had me holding my sides. Take your post with the “Saga of Blood Ninja” shit. Which you misspelled BTW. “Sage of Bloodninja” FIX IT…..HTFU! That shit had me laughing hard.
3. I still don’t see how chickenshit comes back to me. I’m not posting my comments under anonymous. I’m not hiding. I fuckin say what I have to say. You on the other hand, delete the word chickenshitmake up some tale about how it was describing your life at that timereplace chickenshit with dumbshitthen bring it back and say that I’m the chickenshit. O.o Get your shit straight then get back to me on that one.
4. WHAT THE FUCK WAS SO OFFENDING ABOUT SAYING YOU DRESS GAY AND WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU BECOME SO SENSATIVE. We’re always taking snaps at each other but now you’re hurt? Give me a fucking break. The truth is that had that comment been directed toward Joe or Coop, you wouldn’t have hesitated to laugh. Quit being such a pussy you fucking cockstain.
If you’ve made it this far down I may has well get to the point. I don’t see how my post makes me look like an idiot. All I did was challenge you to put some variety into your page. But it sure seemed to hurt a lot. Whatever you got going on down there is really fucking you up. Just know that I’m a call away. Always have been. I mean, FUCK…I love you man. You’re my bro. Even if you don’t feel like that anymore, I didn’t call you my best friend for 3 years just to turn my back on you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

o.O ????
did i miss my own joke?

Anonymous said...


~Mel~ said...

I came back to this post just to see what became of the Smee vs. Aaron saga. I reiterate that I strongly feel the same as Smee on the fact that you, Aaron, have the capability of exploring so much more through excitingly vibrant thought and language I too would like to see you finally stray from your obvious, redundant, dislike of religion. And, as your better half has kindly reminded us, I am aware that religion is so prevalant and expansive that you can hardly go one second of the day without having some sort of it shoved down your throat. My point being, and I think the point of a few others is, what makes you different than that idiot who is there every second of every day, trying to shove what you believe in down everyone else's throat? And skoolz, I know I am not nearly as smart as you, which is why this frustrates me so. So a jab at my intelligence only proves my point that you are capable of so much more. I just question why you choose to govern only ONE malfunction of today's totally f*cked up mankind.