Sunday, May 10, 2009

I am embarassed to live in Texas

Knowing that Texas governor Rick Perry appointed a CREATIONIST onto the state's Board of Education should be humiliating enough. But no, it goes further than that. A creationist cunt on Texas' BoE has decided to present a legislation or whatever that allows a 'broader' analysis and representation of the universe's age. What does that mean for her and other fundamentalist christians? They can squeeze in their nonsensical bullshit about the Earth only being 6000 or so years old. Guess what? The bill passed 11-3. It's sickening and makes me want to gtfo this part of the world. Read the whole article and see the video HERE.

UPDATE (5/11/09) - After rummaging through the article's comments, I came across one from Richard Drumm that really said it like it needs to be said. I'll share it with you:

"OK, I’m back. I feel a little better now… Only a little.

The YECs are right to be anti-scientific. Science is their belief system’s enemy.
They should be failing, but they’re succeeding instead. I don’t know why. Ignorance is easy and the electorate is taking the easy path.

Maybe it’s the sheer size of the coursework one needs to carry nowadays to become a scientist that’s the problem. In the early part of the last century it was easy enough for the lay person to follow and mostly understand science (with the possible exception of Quantum Mechanics) so science was accessible. Now maybe science isn’t so accessible and the masses turn their backs on it and seek out the easy, comforting rituals of yesteryear, that “Old time religion” from the song.

Outreach is more important than ever…

I have an old friend who I used to work with back in the mid ’80s who was never religious back then. Now he goes to church and said “It’s good to have a friend in the man upstairs.” the other day. I didn’t say anything, just smiled… What can you say to such a deluded person? It’s a comforting delusion, I’m sure, but a delusion nonetheless. I wish I had an answer to all this but I don’t. Clearly he was looking for me to agree with him and maybe then he’d invite me to join his church. I’m sure this would raise his stature in his church and make him feel powerful. He has no idea I’m an atheist.

Clearly, too, the schools are the new battleground and we are in the fight of our lives!"

1 comment:

Trina said...
