Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Worth a read. A short story by one of my favorite authors of all time, Chuck Palahniuk. This is the story that started the "Guts Effect". During his public readings of the short story, people would faint due to the content of the story. I won't go into detail because Chuck did so better already:

"On the promotion tour for my novel Diary, I read 'Guts' for the first time in public. This was in a crowded bookstore in Portland, Oregon. Powell's City of Books. A film crew was there from the Netherlands to shoot a documentary. About eight hundred people filled the store to fire code capacity. Reading 'Guts' takes a full head of steam. You don't get many moments to look up from the page. But when I did, the faces in the front row looked a little gray. Beyond that were questions and answers. The book signing. The end.

It wasn't until I'd signed the last book that a clerk said two people had fainted. Two young men. They'd both dropped to the concrete floor during 'Guts', but they were fine now. With no memory of anything between standing, listening, and waking up surrounded by people's feet."

The Guts Effect Explanation

The actual short story "Guts" (don't read without supervision in case you faint in your chair. Don't wanna choke on your tongue)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm Leaving.

To all those that know me personally, I am leaving San Angelo. I must say the town has treated me both horribly and wonderfully over the last four years. I have met some fantastic people, a lot of which have come and gone. I have met some terrible, terrible people that I am hoping natural selection will soon rid from our planet. I did a lot of growing up in San Angelo. I did a lot of school, I did a lot of drugs, I did a lot of parties, etc. etc. The good times, the bad... I will miss it all and reflect upon those days as some of the most influential!

Most importantly, I will miss the friends that have never deceived me. It's hard to find friends like that anymore.

Where am I going? For now, I'm going to Big Spring to live with my mom (yeah yeah) with my wonderful girlfriend. She is doing us an immense favor by allowing us to live there until we figure out what the FUCK we want to do with our lives. Save some money....then what? Probably finish school, get out of state, maybe go out east somewhere. Only the not too distant future will tell.

In any case, farewell San Angelo. I'll be back to visit, folks. Peace out!

(i'm leaving before the month of july is up. so hit me up to hang out before that time)