Friday, November 21, 2008


"A spectacular and almost blindingly bright meteor sparked a flurry of emergency calls to the police after it lit up the skies over western Canada.

Onlookers across the province of Alberta watched in awe, describing a kaleidoscope of colours as the rock rapidly descended.

'At first I thought it was fireworks,' farmer Marcel Gobeil said.

'I've never seen anything like it; it was green and blue and then turned to bright red. It was pretty big.'" (source)

Check out the video below taken from a police cruiser's dashcam. Can you imagine suddenly seeing that in the sky in front of you?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Doll says, "Islam is the light"...... purportedly

You want something scarier than a Halloween spook house? How about a doll that was discovered to say shit like, "Islam is the light" or "Satan is the King"? Would that spook you? Some people actually have a fear of dolls to begin with, so a doll spitting out suggestive material like this must be very unsettling...

My personal opinion? Some fear mongering lunatic heard this babbling and made it out to seem like something horrible. It happens all the fucking time! Led Zeppelin, the Beatles, the list goes on about hidden messages, subliminal messages, etc. All in all, it is in the EAR OF THE BEHOLDER! When a human is TOLD that something says something, they will inevitably HEAR it. You have it in your head that the doll at this specific moment will say "Islam is the light." So when you hear it, you can shape out the babble to say just that.

So what does it say about our society when something like this pops up? We are a bunch of pathetic, desperate beings trying to create fear among the masses over something innocent. It's the basis (along with religion) for many a war. It is the basis for keeping humankind in check. And even still, if it did say "Islam is the light", and then uttered, "Satan is the King", that doesn't even make sense. Muslims would not want both phrases to be uttered in succession if they're trying to secretly spread the word of Allah. This whole thing stinks of radical Bible-obsessed Americans that can find evil (or opposition) in every medium possible. Shame on you all.

Coincidentally, not too long ago, Sony had to recall their highly anticipated video game "Little Big Planet" due to text out of the Qur'an being included in one of the game's songs. That's right. A massive recall was issued because one line out of the entire soundtrack was Islam in nature. In my opinion, the song was probably just quoting mythology as so many things do. Is Islam mythology? Yes. Just as much as the bible is. I know Sony pulled it because such content will make profits stutter for the game, but it's ridiculous they have to do so. Why isn't "God of War" recalled? Their entire game is based off an ancient Greek religion. I guess we'll have to wait another few hundred years before we declare all current religions false too. It will happen. But something else as absurd as christianity will take it's place. It's the circle of life. /sigh

UPDATE: The very first babble the doll makes in the video is very incoherent, correct? No! I sat and listened and discovered that it in fact says: "I can't, I can't rub mama." How dare these toy companies release pedophile promoting toys to our kids??!!?!?

: OMG!! Oh shit, wait!!!!! I think the very first comment made by the doll might say "I can't, I can't vote Obama?" Wow, can you imagine? A doll promoting Obama's election and it happens to include a Muslim diatribe. Do you not fucking see how easy this is? It's an atrocity! Go fuck yourself people. Clear some tension! shit! (11/1/08 7:38PM)

UPDATE: Objectively, here is a video of the Led Zeppelin hit "Stairway to Heaven" in reverse to expose the 'secret, devilish messages' the band wanted to make known to mass populace. There are an infinite amount of differences between the translations of this song backwards, so you can kinda get my idea earlier. It's all in the "EAR OF THE BEHOLDER"

(11/1/08 8:35PM)

/point done being made

Scariest Videos on the Internet (that i could find at least)

First things first, it is obligatory for me to showcase some scary videos from the 'net. This year, I'm just going to seek and find videos that I too have not seen until today and share them with you. Some may be real, but some are most likely fake. I'll let you decide. It's still freaky nonetheless. Watch in the dark for full effect. =)

Large Apparition In The Woods - video powered by Metacafe

Happy Halloween Weekend!

Well, another year has passed and I didn't do anything for Halloween. This is probably the coolest of holidays in my opinion, and to celebrate I sat and watched ghost hunting shows on television. I guess much more couldn't be expected since I live in a small, rural town in TX, but I was tempted to drive all the way down to Austin to visit some spook houses. I didn't, and I probably won't.

So in an attempt to make myself feel better, I am declaring the entire weekend as Halloween Weekend. Luckily, Halloween landed on a Friday, so I feel it is legit to make such a declaration. Now the question remains, what will I do to make up for having such a boring, mundane October 31st? Hopefully, I'll be back to update with that answer. For now, Happy Halloween Weekend!