Monday, August 17, 2009

Tax the churches!

It's well known across the globe that the U.S.of A. is having a bit of an economic crisis. There are three ways to effectively help cure the turmoil and start getting our country out of its deficit:

1. Legalize marijuana
The chronic is a natural drug from the earth that is less lethal and addictive than alcohol and has no place in the illegal department. If we can serve our populace alcohol by the barrel, then we can sell marijuana. The government can tax it as it does cigarettes and booze and make a buttload of money from it. PLUS, the govt. can do away with its drug free marijuana campaigns and commercials, thus saving loads of dough AGAIN! The reason weed has yet to be legalized is the same reason people still think there is a god in heaven telling us what to do from an ancient text.

2. Forbid religion
This is of course an impossible task for today's day and age. It won't happen within our lifetimes, but it is worth mentioning. As the great John Lennon wrote:
Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
It's true. Without religion, we would have a relatively peaceful world. And of course, if we could somehow pry people from their years of being brainwashed to believe in fairy tales, in America alone, our citizens would have more money to spend. More money to spend = more revenue for the government from sales tax, etc. It's known that the more the regular person spends, the more it helps our economy. Without religion, there would be no tithing, no offerings, no worthless spending on building nonsense temples and churches. The money can go to greater, realistic causes, like charities for cancer or alzheimers, etc. The fact is, whether obliterating religion helps the economy or not, it would help our world in more ways than we can ever imagine.

3. Tax the churches!
Since changing people's minds against something they were indoctrinated with from birth is an almost impossible task and would take several hundred to a thousand years to do, then our government should do the next best thing. Tax the fucking churches! If people are still so blindly willing to give an organization money that preaches fake stories to keep the listener in their control, then tax the hell out of it! People are crazy. They are willing to spend at least 10% of their entire income on religion. Many spend more. Can you imagine the fat checks that would pour in to lower our deficit? It's a no brainer.
I am also aware that all the religious zealots are probably condemning me for ever suggesting such a thing. Again, the ignorance of man is astonishing. Our forefathers would have wanted it this way. Besides never wanting America to declare itself a "Christian nation" (which we've done), the fathers of our country also never wanted to give any religion special treatment. The very first words of the Bill of Rights say: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Their stance was neutral. We will not favor religion, nor forbid it. Religion does NOT belong in the foundation or running of our country. Boy have we let them down...
Ultimately, keeping churches tax free is special treatment towards religion. It is a law respecting an establishment of religion. Our constitution writers made it adamantly clear that we should not do this. After all, they left Europe and formed America to get rid of religion's grasp. They're rolling over in their graves seeing what we've become! Tax them. Tax them until they drown.