Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Why should 'i' be an atheist?

In the truest sense, I feel obliged to try and convince everyone on this entire planet to be an atheist. That is, indeed, an impossible task, as humans are by nature very stubborn and selfish. They are also very cocky. Most importantly, though, humans are fearful. That is the biggest setback in creating a realistic view of our planet's history. How do I make believers in religion change their mind? Is it ultimately impossible because of the reasons listed above? Why in the fuck do so many people believe in the same thing? These are questions that must be understood to change the path on which our world is walking.

Humans are stubborn and selfish.
I am not attempting to claim that atheists are not stubborn or selfish. Humans, as a whole, are both. It doesn't matter what you believe, it is in our minds to be very placed in our ways and to hold dearly onto what we love. There are some people who grow up still unable to let go of that security blanket they held as a baby. Linus, from Peanuts, is a good example. He is of course fictional, but his obsession with a blanket is relevant in most humans' lives. In some form or fashion, every human has a grown attachment to a personally owned item. It does not change with religion. If your parents raised you to believe in God and that Jesus Christ was his son born from a fucking VIRGIN, you're going to continue to believe it. I was raised this way. I went to church every Sunday. I prayed as a child, although I had no clue what I was really doing. I walked into the church and smiled a million smiles at all the other phony people who claim they never have doubt...
There are instances of humans teaching their children to write with their right hand even though they kept wanting to pick up the pencil with their left... Eventually, these children were SHAPED into using their right hands. Were they really left handed people? Absolutely. It was INCORRECT to use your left hand, so parents desperately worked to teach their kids to use their right hand. Minds are very easily shaped. If you grow up with the assumption, "if you don't believe in this 'story', you are going to go to a very painful, HOT place called hell", then you are going to believe it. You trust your parents. You're going to believe in their make believe hell and god and etc.
So what's the problem? Like I said, people are STUBBORN. They will not give up the beliefs their parents taught them, even though they may secretly know that their ridiculous religion holds no reasonable ground. The same people are selfish. They don't want to give up their euphoric, yet retarded, belief in eternal life. "I am so important, I want to live forever. Wait, what?? God from the Bible promises these things? Excellent, I'm so in."

Humans are cocky.
I already touched on this in the previous rant. This goes side by side with the fact that every member of our species is selfish. There's a twist though. We've all unfortunately met the douchebag at a party with his collar popped and an undignified sense of security in his demeanor. This son of a bitch is cocky as fuck, and we want to kill him. Thankfully our human instincts of "killing is bad" kick in and we don't (we don't need religion to be 'good'). However, this guy believes in some baloney god and wants to spread it across the whole world because IT'S THE COOL THING TO DO!!! FUCK YEAH!!! If he is shot down by an atheist (or even a christian who is just tired of his dumbass behavior), he cannot accept it. It becomes even MORE important that he is right. "FUCK YOU BITCH! GOD CREATED THIS SANDWICH!!"

Humans are fearful.
Fear [feer] -noun
1.)a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat
is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.
Humans are afraid of the unknown. What is the biggest unknown in our existence?? The answer is...Existence. Why are we here? What happens when we die? There is no way to possibly answer these questions yet. So people find anything to answer these questions without proof. For fucking AGES (i'm talking since humans were first on the earth), people have tried to come up with ideas as to why we are here on this "Earth". The bible is one of these ideas. It is a collection of stories from people who really have no idea. They were just as human as we are now. They did not possess special powers that allow them to see into the secrets of our existence. Ultimately, Jesus is an equal alongside the likes of David Koresh and Anne Heche. Jesus may have been a fucking psycho. Before you jump down my throat, why the fuck are you so willing to believe people you DON'T know about a man named Jesus, but you can't believe that David Koresh might be the second coming of christ? Or to believe in whatever else he preached? Anne Heche admitted she was crazy after hearing voices from 'god' telling her to do shit. It's called a mental disorder. Moses had a mental disorder if he even existed. The history. Humans are ultimately afraid of death. Our minds cannot fathom what lies beyond death. So our imaginations do the rest of the work. It does not mean it's true.

The rest will be continued in Part II of "Why should 'i' be an atheist?"


Coop said...

Didn't have time to read all of that, but my counter argument is....Jesus doesn't agree. Who are YOU gonna believe? o.0

Skoolz said...

LOL! I love you.

Coop said...

Well Schools, I came back and read your article through. You had obviously put a lot of effort into it, so I came back because I felt you had expected a bit more of a reason as to why I think religion is a feasible means of enjoying existence. I study things I am interested in, and that usually includes games, women, immortality and, most importantly, spirituality. To me, spirituality is about individuals. Everyone wants something different in life, be it good times (games), friends, ETERNAL LIFEEE (literally, not spiritually), sex, a strong family, etc. I try to figure out how the brain works, and why it works that way, and how I can use that information so I can enjoy life to the fullest. I enjoy psychology because you can use it to literally change your mind. Make yourself happy for no damn reason. I started to study psychology based on my huge interest in alchemy when I was a kid. A lot of modern sciences were based on alchemy, and they always operated on a few general assumptions, because they were found across all aspects of culture. 1) The material world is not the only reality, and is a projection of a higher reality. 2) Human beings mirror the duality of the two worlds. Humans have physical bodies that are subject to life and death, but they have a non-material aspect as well (thoughts, soul, spirit, energy, whatever you want to call it). 3) Human beings have the capacity to perceive these separate realities, but are taught to ignore the subtle clues (like how you enjoy ghost hunting, but a lot of people say "rubbish!"). The thing I like about alchemy though is that it did not just SAY that stuff, because that is more or less just like any other religion, mumbo-jumbo even. They were the people who actually put that information to practical purpose, however, and founded things like medicine (chemical reactions in the body causing various ailments), biology, chemistry, and other such things. Ironically, they were burned at the stake by the Catholics a lot of times, and only came out into the open after their methods were the only ones that worked while treating The Black Death, also caused by the church when they killed cats because the church said cats were evil, and rats ran all over big cities in Europe, and the fleas bit people. The irony is, of course, that they were the first "real" practical religious practitioners, and that church burned them at the stake, and they founded the modern sciences, which now are being used to "prove" that religion is false. My psychology interests led me to read Carl Jung, and I found his thoughts on religion to be interesting. He wrote a book called "The Undiscovered Self: The Dilemma of The Individual In Modern Society" and chapter two goes over one of the reasons that he believes people are religious. His stance is that it is used to

Coop said...

counterbalance mass-mindedness. One thing he says is "If statistical reality is the only reality, then it is the sole authority. There is then only one condition, and since no contrary condition exists, judgment and decision are not only superfluous but impossible. The individual is bound to be a function of statistics and hence a function of the state or whatever the abstract principal of order may be called." He goes on to say that if a person has a claim to a deity, and that claim is equal to that which he has of the "world", it makes him question the absoluteness of both, and is thus likely to not be overcome by a collective mentality. That is not saying "Hey, you don't believe in God, you're stupid, you mindless sheep." but is does bring up the point, if a person is stuck in the "world" view, does morality exist? People say "Anyone knows what's wrong, you don't have to believe in God to know that murder is wrong!" but they don't have scientific proof that murder is wrong. They can't "measure" wrongness with scientific instruments. Even if you apply the "golden rule" of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", it means nothing. If you kill someone, they CAN'T "do unto you". There is no scientific reason not to kill people who are worthless to or are mooching from society. What, it FEELS wrong? What do feelings have to do with it? Thankfully, most people have some sense of "spirituality". They know when things are wrong because it feels wrong. There are chemical reactions in their bodies that make them "perceive feelings" of things not being acceptable. An eye for an eye, justice, survival, not being somewhere "just to be somewhere". I do not hate atheists at all. I feel sorry for people who think we're here "just to be here". I try to study as many religions as possible; Islam, Hinduism, Shinto, Daoism, etc. Not because I believe in flying monkeys controlling the weather, but because they are books and legends that are thousands of years old, filled with solutions to many problems what real men have experienced since they first started grouping together. I do believe their is a God, simply because I want to and I have that right as a person, which is one of the many rights you inherently have, but only according to religion. People say "More people have died fighting over religion than anything else!", but I disagree. People do not fight over religion, they fight only when authority attempts to control religion, or adapt it to a specific type of behavior; and they mostly fought over material things with religion as an excuse for war. Would the crusades have taken place if the Muslims were sending tithes to the Roman Catholic Church and reading the King James Bible? Most religions have the same underlying philosophy. There is a God or Gods, there's a spiritual world and a regular world, etc. People do not fight over that. But if someone says "You have to kill half of your livestock every year to honor Zeus!" than yes, there is fighting, but that is not the result of the underlying religious belief. It's the result of some asshole saying "Do this, or this." I gotta head out now, but if you ever want to discuss more, shoot me a myspace or text message.

Coop said...

Also, ignore any bad grammar, because I spent a good hour writing that and didn't feel like proof reading it! Couldn't even fit it in one message.

Skoolz said...

I can't believe I never commended you for your time spent writing your article, even though it was mostly unfortunate nonsense. However, I know where you come from, and I was oncc in that same fabric of time. Hopefully your intelligence will one day outweigh your doubt and you'll realize the truth and then can help further our search in science with your brilliant mind. I hope you don't honestly plan on wasting it.

Skoolz said...

Also, no offense, but most of which you spoke consisted of shit you may have thumbed through within a 5 min span, b/c there is nothing credible about the statements you provided, and nothing you are trying to conclude include concrete evidence. Your opinion sounds great to the ears of people who need some kind of hope, which by all means, you should be a fucking preacher, but holy shit man... Anybody with some reason will realize that they have to watch the ppl they believe and have to gtfo this religious bullshit.