Tuesday, June 16, 2009

American Museum of Natural History

One of the biggest privileges I had on my recent trip was getting to visit the American Museum of Natural History in NYC. I've been to NYC on many occasions in the past, but never took the time to explore this museum behemoth.

It was great to see such a massive collection of exhibits that supported evolution. You start on the main floor of the building with multiple hallways that take you to various exhibits showcasing the present mammals from all around the world. Africa, Mexico, Central America, were all included.

From there you may go upstairs or downstairs. Downstairs was the absolutely breathtaking Spitzer Hall of Human Origins and Ross Hall of Meteorites. If you are one to doubt scientifically proven things like evolution, you will have left this floor with no longer a doubt in your mind. The evidence is there clear as day, and I was loving the faces on the other visitors as they realized that their religious theories were currently being blown out the window. They had everything from discovered ancient hominid skulls from our evolutionary ancestors millions of years ago to full blown neanderthal skeletons. It was fantastic.

Upstairs there were numerous displays of reptiles, amphibians, African mammals and primates. Then...what's this?? Another floor? Correct. On the top floor were the much anticipated dinosaur displays. There were TONS of legit dinosaur fossils, and full constructed skeletons. It was exciting. I felt like a kid again.

Finally, we rested and watched our IMAX presentation about Dinosaurs. It was impressive and narrated by Michael Douglas (I think I heard him go into cardiac arrest twice during his narration).

It was quite an experience and I'm glad we went. I regret having never taken the time to visit the museum previously. Surprisingly, it was only $15 a person to walk the museum. It costs additional to see IMAX presentations and special exhibits.

1 comment:

~Mel~ said...

Always wanted to go there! Hope you had a really great time!